Archive | September, 2011

The Day Before…

10 Sep

So, tomorrow is the day most of us will never forget.  Ever.  No matter the reason, where we were, who we were, or who we knew…we will never forget.  Thinking back on this day I tend to get very emotional for numerous reasons. Mainly because most of the people who are now in my life are military and are constantly (and voluntarily) fighting for  our country because of that day. I still think of the day Nick came home in 2005 and in 2007. Those were memorable to me….2005 because we lost our son at 5 months and finally having Nick home to make me feel “whole” again….2007 becuase Casey had died and I was scared every time the phone rang, and because Nick got to finally hold Abby again at 9 months old – a long time since when he left she was only 12 days old.  That day changed how many of us see life today. Are we better or worse? Who knows….I just know I make the best of it every chance I get.

I am now a mother of two spunky little girls, I work at Coty Inc, and I am a Zumba freak.  I am trying to get into the fitness work of working and trying to just be a better person all together.  I am going to try to make this blog about what I do, struggle with, and do well at…I hope you will join me in this journey!!

FYI – I like pretty pictures or pictures that spark interest…I hope you will like them as well – here is my first one:

Hello All!

9 Sep

I hope you all find what I have to say as interesting!  I am working towards personal goals, family goals, and just hoping in the mix of it all I can become a better person!!!