Archive | May, 2012

New Vlog Folks!

22 May

Sick Saturday

19 May

Woke up this morning with a scratchy throat that was swollen and hurt. Then came the headache.

Petra told me to swallow a spoonful of honey – I still question if this is possible.

I am watching the NASCAR AllStar Race – Car Edwards car is on fire. Literally. Too bad, so sad.

I dropped off my books at the library – and then realized as I drove off I forgot one. Of course it is the one that has someone waiting for it so I cannot renew it to avoid fines. Dang.

I need to learn to go to the library earlier than the day library books are due.

I am getting very excited that my friend Petra is going to have a baby soon. I just wish I was there….badly.

Nick is going to be home at some point. I should probably act like I have done something or am doing something.

The above most likely won’t happen.

I still have a headache.

I wish I was in Charlotte with my sister and Jason.

I miss my family and friends really badly on days like this.

I am planning my running schedule for this week – of course it all depends on me feeling better.

I am going to hike at a Nature Center tomorrow as long as I feel better. I hope I feel better.

I could really go for some Great Harvest Bread right now but I also have the feeling that I should just bake my own as I did buy a whole new bag of bread for that purpose and have not opened it yet. Plus I don’t feel like going back out in the car.

I am looking for a good nutritious meal replacement. I am just learning that I cannot make my self healthy with the crap that is up here. I want something to just help me out…not something for weight loss purposes. Fruit is too expensive to make my own I feel.

I want a banana.

I am so proud of my girl Martha who is running and doing good, darn it.

I feel very lazy when I am sick and I do not like it.

I need a couple good books to read – I want motivational or mindless funny. Suggestions please.

I don’t know what to make for dinner.

Potatoes with bacon and cheese sound yummy.

I am kind of whiney today – just because I don’t feel good.

Here’s to tomorrow being a much better day.


Thursday Love

17 May

I am wanting to give a quick update as it has been a few days in between posts lately!  So much going on and so many things to talk about – plus finding daycare! My last couple weeks has been a little crazy – because if there is no daycare – well, there isn’t much else that can happen!

More to come – this weekend will lend it’s hand to some free time and some updates!  Talk to you all soon!

Motivating Monday #1

14 May

My Exciting Friday Night

12 May

I coupon clipped for an hour and still have more – I have hit my clipping limit for the night

I was in my PJ’s before 7:00 pm

I had a snack size bag of Kettle Corn for dinner and didn’t share with my girls – they lived

I brainstormed fundraising ideas for Team In Training – Scentsy party, decorated notebooks, scrapbooking event, ideas would be helpful right about now…HINT, HINT

I keep thinking about reading a book – maybe I should take the hint

Thought about my plans for the weekend – daycare interview, birthday party, Mother’s Day, running – I think that is it

Figuring out how much money I still don’t have

Thinking about what to do with the stuff I want to get rid of (this was last week’s thought)

I watched the new episodes of “Good Luck Charlie” and it made me want to go back to NC – as both my kids were brought home to that house – and no kid will ever be brought him here – mark my words

I still can’t believe I saw a bear

I am glad that the staff retreat went well – I was really nervous

I think that I want to join a volunteer organization or a soup kitchen type of thing – I need more days in the week or hours in the day to do all the things I want to and still be able to sit on my couch for a couple of hours

How do you get your kids active in volunteering at a young age

Softball starts next week and I am very excited to play – kind of

I found someone who likes to write letters way more than me and actually does it

I am ready for bed

Team In Training Tuesday

8 May

I have decided to join the Team In Training program to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) this year. I will be running a marathon at the end of October, but running this race will not be near as important as finding a cure for cancer. I ask you to please join my team through prayer and by making a donation. Together we can make a difference.

Cancer has directly affected people I have met and known for years.  My freshman year of school a classmate named John Bachman passed away and his family continues to help LLS through Team J.O.H.N.  Don Morgan, a family friend who has been a part of my life over the last 15 years is currently in remission and enjoying his family. Last but definitely not least my husband’s grandmother whom I love dearly is in remission and never ceases to amaze me with her positive attitude towards life.

This race is to honor those who are suffering through something few of us could imagine, and to run in memory of those that have lost their lives to cancer.  I cannot complete this journey alone – my goal is to raise $3,200. Please join my teammates and me by making a tax-deductible donation by September 30th, 2012. The easiest way to make a donation is to visit my website at:

I will also use this website to keep you up-to-date on my progress. The website is secure, but if you prefer to send a check, please shoot me an email and I can send you a donor form.  My email is at the end of this post.

For those who have an Alaska Airlines account, you can also receive Alaska Airline miles for donating $100 or more so please fill out the form if you have a mileage account.

¾ of your donation goes directly to research, patient services, public and professional education, advocacy and community services, and the rest go towards staff costs and Molly’s participation in the Nike Women’s Marathon.

P.S. If there is someone you know who has overcome or is battling a blood cancer, please send me his or her name and I will make sure it is carried with me across the finish line.  Also feel free to write a note and include it with your donation – I plan to take the notes with me to read the night before the race.

Please feel free to email me with any questions or for me to send you a donor form.


Motivation For Monday

7 May

Coutesy of IDEA Health & Fitness

More Random For Ya

4 May

I am loving all the new blogs that I am finding through FitFluential.  Great stuff! I just hope I can get to them all!

Team in Training is tomorrow – so excited to meet and talk with the local team. I have so many questions and they may all point me towards my goal for the last year of a half marathon at Disney!

My husband just bought an Arctic Cat 4-Wheeler.  He usually doesn’t hold back a whole lot when it comes to doing what he wants – I mean this in a logical way, he doesn’t discard his family to do this by any means.  What I am getting at is that I need to start looking at what I really want and just make it happen.

I am really thinking about getting rid of most everything I own. I am so tired of cleaning around it or washing it. I really can’t stand the mental clutter it all gives me. I think this is more of my OCD talking – but I think it may just win this one.

I am finally going to go visit a gym in town that is looking to help people get certified and provide them work. I just really think that is where I want to be more and more. I think I am just really nervous to change to something that I really like instead of something I just do.

I am tired of just thinking about ideas and half-ass trying them. I really need to just make it happen.

Pilates and Yoga Flow start next week on campus. So excited to get going again. I really need to do this for myself.

I really am tired of wasting time. I need to kind of plan a schedule or make a time goal for my days. I have so much that I want to fit in – I just need to make it all work.

I always joked about making the day longer. I really think Alaska may kind of be an answer for that ironically. All this dang daylight makes me feel like I have more time! I find myself tired, but staying busy until late at night because it is so stinking light out!  I might be able to actually fit all the above mentioned items in!  Martha – this is your answer – don’t stretch yourself thin – just move up here to Alaska with me and you will have more of a day! 🙂

I am contemplating making the move to the iPhone. Only because I could make videos with it , have more exercise apps, and make more notes while I am out and about and thinking about things. My Blackberry rocks, but I think I at least need to get a new one as this one is dying daily.

I love bananas and I got some good ones this last time at the store. They are killer.

I have old sneakers to get rid of – but I don’t think any of them are in bad shape. They are just not preferred for running and again, I am trying ti simplify my life. What should I do?

I am really trying to save some money but it seems like there is always something new that needs paid….grrrr.

I am hungry…where is Nick with my food? I mean seriously – I am huuuungry!

I have been contemplating a move to working in the area of motivation. I know I am good at it – but how does one go about this? I don’t want to be a motivational speaker – I want to be able to motivate people to their goals via Facebook, text, Twitter, phone call, or email….suggestions???

That is all for now…I can’t really think beyond the fact that I am hungry….I mean really – where is he?

I Will…

4 May

I Will:

Run a 10K this summer

Get a FitFluential Campaign

Run a Half Marathon


Find my place in this world

Read magazines, books, blogs and get savvy about nutrition

Find my confidence

Learn to motivate myself and not just others

Throw caution to the wind

Stop worrying about the outcome before I even start

Step outside my comfort zone

Be a better me

Be happier

Love my kids more

Sing in the morning

Support something I believe in

I Will

Thankful Thursday #8

3 May

So I have had so many things to be thankful for this last week and a half and I know that it is only going to get better!  I am so thankful for the many opportunities that have been presented to me and that will continue to come my way.

FitFluential has presented some opportunities to me and has encouraged me in so many new ways in just a matter of a couple of days.  Listening to the feedback of these ladies and men, and the constant motivation is unreal.  This is how it should be – everyone pushing towards one goal, not trying to prevail on top.  I am thankful for this support system.

Team In Training has also been an organization that I am talking with to get help with my goal of a half marathon this year.  I can help them fundraise and they will help me get there. We are all working towards a common goal of finding a cure and being the best we can be in the present state. I dig that.  I also am hoping to reveal some info after this weekend about what I have decided as my final goal and how you can help me get there! I am thankful for people who continue to give for the betterment of others.

Girls on the Run is an organization that helps young girls find self acceptance and self-love and provides them with the tools to be strong women and encourage them with running.  I get to be a “buddy” to one of the girls on a run coming up in a couple of weeks. I love to motivate people and I think this will be even more fun to do it for someone who will eventually grow up to give back as well.  We are not just waiting on my background check and the final okay – this shouldn’t take long as my check will be a blank sheet of paper.

Team Tough Chik – here I come! I bought my package and am waiting for May 16th to come and allow me to get the finalization of my membership. So fun! And yes, that is really I have to say about that right now. I am thankful that there are companies like this that help women athletes!

I hope that you will consider looking into these companies and that way you can really see what there is to be thankful for!